Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Updates and such.

Hey guys. If you've seen my latest video, you probably came here to find out a little bit more about everything, so here goes.

I've been thinking about quitting youtube for a while now, and I think I'm not so much *quitting* as I am moving to blogger. It's a not very easy to apply your makeup while worrying if the camera is getting everything, trying to finish in under ten minutes and talk the whole time. Plus, at least for me personally, my makeup turns out better when I do both eyes at the same time. Not to mention the fact that I don't record every single time I wear makeup, and this way I can just snap a few pictures if I like the result and tell you guys what it is.

So, in addition to my switch to blogger I'm going to be talking about more than just makeup related stuff. I was going to start making a few more random videos, especially about books that I'm reading, so now you'll be able to find all of that here. I'll also do some mini hauls or product reviews if the mood strikes me. So all in all, I think it's a good time to make the switch from youtube to blogger. That said, I'll probably still make the occasional video for certain things. It mostly just depends on how much time I have, really. Typing up a short blog and posting some pictures is much less time consuming than filming a video, taking pictures, editing the video, uploading the video and then typing up everything.

I really wanna thank all of you guys that follow me here. I can't believe I ever made it to over 1,000 subscribers on youtube and it really means alot to me. You guys are the best, seriously.


JunJun said...


SAFAHL said...

I liked your profession and your blog